Adoption Centre

Hello and welcome to the adoption centre! Here you can adopt designs for Moondust created by different users on the site.

You can also surrender your own approved designs to the adoption centre for a base reward of 3 Moondust.
Additional Moondust can be granted if the design comes with extra art, writing, or exclusive traits!
(5 total Moondust for designs with extra art/writing, and +50% of the exclusive trait cost for any designs with exclusive traits)

Staff reserve the right to reject designs if it seems the user is attempting to abuse the system by spamming low effort designs. (Design or art skill does not affect this, only actual effort/time put into the design. If you aren't trying to abuse the system, you probably won't get flagged for this. If you believe your design was incorrectly rejected, please contact a staff member in the discord sever!)

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