Weekly Activities

Quick prompts that can be done up to once a week per character you own!



  1. Weekly Activities are meant to be quick prompts that you can do up to once a week per character that you own.
    IE: If you own 1 character, you can do it once. If you own 3 characters, you can do it three times.
  2. Complete one of the listed prompts with a minimum requirement of either:
    1. A lined, coloured fullbody of the character (background and shading not required, but are welcome to be included)
    2. A written work of 500 words (or longer if desired)
  3. Prompts are meant to provide creative freedom and be open for interpretation, you may complete them however you'd like so long as it relates back to the prompt and follows the minimum requirements.


  1. What was something your character did this week?
  2. What was something your character ate this week?
  3. How did your character feel this week?


Reward Amount
Moondust 1