

Moondust (MD)

Displays as: 0 Moondust
Held by: Users

A magical type of dust created by cracking lunarite under the exposure of a full moon. This sparkling dust is collected in small vials and has certain magical properties.

It can be acquired by completing certain prompts and by surrendering designs to the adoption centre.

Used to purchase customs, gachas and other sevvoi artwork from staff members, trait upgrades, and designs from the adoption centre.


Sparkles (SP)

Displays as: 0 Sparkles
Held by: Users

A simple currency used to track activity on the site! It cannot be transferred between users.


Stars (ST)

Displays as: 0 Stars
Held by: Users

The main form of currency on Sevvoi, these coins are referred to as "Stars" by most due to the star-shaped cutout on them. They're made out of a deep blue metal known as surulium.

They can be acquired by selling items found in various group activities, and by completing certain prompts.

They are used to purchase certain items and pets from the shops.

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